1A George Street, Enderby, Leicester LE19 4NQ 01162 750 156 info@harlequinsprivatedaynursery.co.uk
The Caterpillar Room
This room offers plenty of love and cuddles, offering reassurance and comfort in new situations. We care for 9 children from 6 weeks to 2.5 years old.
We have free flow access to the garden we aim to give your child a variety of stimulating activity according to their age and stage of development following your child likes and interests. Sensory activities are offered to our younger babies so they can learn through the power of touch feel and smell.
Planning is carried out to meet high standards of learning and development allowing children access to a variety of toys. ranging from musical instruments, sand and water play, painting and drawing, cornflour play and much more.
This room stimulates young developing minds and begin their social development with other children.
The Butterfly Room
This room is for 2 and a half years old to 5 and follows on the great work of the Caterpillar room. In this room our children develop there own interest through imagination taking risk and developing social skills learning to share and interact with others. Following the EYFS early years foundation stage, here are the 7 areas of learning:
- Communication & language
- Physical development
- Personal social & emotional development
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts & design
We cover all of these areas through play games and interaction which often leads to out side play in our play ground.
Our All Weather Playground
We offer secure out door play area benefiting from a special all weather play surface which never gets muddy or wet due to the sub ground treatment similar to Astro turf pitches.
This means unlike standard lawns to other nursery that are out of use due to muddy patches and water logged, Harlequins play ground is open 51 weeks of the year... the fun never stops!
Physically we have climbing frames, ladders, planks, swings, scooters, pirate ships and sand pits which are designed to encourage children to explore and take risks. Our mud kitchen promotes sensory play curiosity and awe + wonder leading to making mud pies, silly soup and potions.
Our miscellaneous area offers so much scope for learning playing such as tyres, drainpipes, play sticks, crates, bricks and our bug hotel allows for seeing nature up close and personal.
Their imagination runs wild in this area and they make what they desire!
Harlequins Off-site Trips
Being a smaller setting we are proud that your child will go on off site trips from the zoo to strawberry picking to walks in the bluebell woods which is unique to us. We also offer swimming sessions, theatre and many more weather permitting